Ganesh Pal wrote:

> Hi Team,
> Iam on linux and python 2.7  . I have a bunch of functions  which I
> have run sequentially .
> I have put them in a list and Iam calling the functions in the list as
> shown below ,  this works fine for me , please share your
> opinion/views on the same
> Sample code :
> def print1():
>     print "one"
> def print2():
>     print "two"
> def print3():
>     print "three"
> print_test = [print1(),print2(),print3()] //calling the function

Python is not C++. In Python // is the integer division operator.
> for test in range(len(print_test)):
>   try:
>       print_test[test]
>   except AssertionError as exc:

1 Why range()? 

Iterate directly over the list:

for result in print_test:
    print result

2 Why the try...except?

If there are functions in your actual code that may raise an AssertionError 
you won't catch it in the loop because you already invoked the functions 
when you built the list literal. To catch an exception like that you have to 
put the functions into the list, not the results:

functions = [print1, print2, print3]
for func in functions:
        print func()
    except AssertionError:


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