Ulli Horlacher wrote:

> Laura Creighton <l...@openend.se> wrote:
>> Given that Ulli is in Germany, latin-1 is likely to work fine for him.
> For me, but not for my users. We have people from about 100 nations at our
> university.
> […]
> The problem is the input of these filenames.

Why do you have to use msvcrt?

I would use curses for user input, but:

| No one has made a Windows port of the curses module. On a Windows 
| platform, try the Console module written by Fredrik Lundh. The Console 
| module provides cursor-addressable text output, plus full support for 
| mouse and keyboard input, and is available from 
| http://effbot.org/zone/console-index.htm.

So you should try that instead.


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