On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> The culprit character is hidden between "Issue #" and "20540" at line 400 of
> C:\Python35\Lib\multiprocessing\connection.py.
> https://bugs.python.org/issue20540 and
> https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/125c24f47f3c refers.
> I'm asking as I've just spent 30 minutes tracking down why my debug code
> would bomb when running on 3.5, but not 2.7 or 3.2 through 3.4.

Probably not, but that's inside a comment, so whether the character is
U+202F or U+0020 shouldn't make any difference in how the code runs.
That seems like a Unicode bug if it does.

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