Christian Gollwitzer <> wrote:

> Tk calls out into the native file manager to perform the file/open 
> operation (on Win&Mac, on Unix it brings it's own).

This means, on Windows the user gets a "well known" file/directory browser?
Then this is an important feature!
Anything new and unknown is bad for a standard Windows user. 

> scratch, however - Schelte Bron has created a very nice dialog as a 
> replacement for the (oldfashioned, dull) standard dialog in Tk:
> It would be feasible to tweak it a bit to allow for directory and file 
> selection. It is written in Tcl

Oh boy, last time, I hacked with Tcl was in 1993 :-}
I remember Tcl as a horrible programming language.

> Concerning your drag&drop problem, it is only possible if you go for a 
> Tk main window, then you could use TkDND. It is not in the standard 
> install, but it can be bundled *without installation*, because Tcl 
> extensions use a mechanism called stubs, which ensures broad binary 
> compatibility. The only drawback: you will not have a single .py file, 
> but since on Windows you deliver using pyinstaller, that should not be 
> an issue.

Ok, I put it on my TODO-List :-)
IF I have some day some spare time...

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum IZUS/TIK         E-Mail:
Universitaet Stuttgart         Tel:    ++49-711-68565868
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