def run_scanner():
    Mount /filesystems  and run scanner
        for cmd in [" mount  /filesystems ", " scanner_start"]:
            out, err, ret = run(cmd, timeout=3600)
            if ret != 0:
                logging.error("Can't run %s got %s (%d)!" % (cmd, err, ret))
                return False
        except Exception as e:
            logging.exception("Failed to run %s got %s" % (cmd, e))
            return False"Mount /tmp.....Done !!!")

Iam on python 2.6 and Linux , I need  you inputs on how to ignore an
specific error when the mount fails

In general the mount has zero status if it succeeds and anon-zero exit
status if it fails.

1.But for one rare case the mount succeeds but returns anon-zero exit
status and when we get “Reading GUID from da0xxx: No such file or
directory” error , how to ignore this error and proceed with the above

2. Also need to add this check only for mount case i.e   mount
/filesystems  and not scanner_start

Any recommendations would be appreciated.


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