Am 21.12.15 um 09:24 schrieb Peter Otten:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

I have a large number of strings (originally file names) which tend to
fall into two groups. Some are human-meaningful, but not necessarily
dictionary words e.g.:

baby lions at play

(note that some use underscores, others spaces, and some CamelCase) while
others are completely meaningless (or mostly so):


Let's call the second group "random" and the first "non-random", without
getting bogged down into arguments about whether they are really random or
not. I wish to process the strings and automatically determine whether
each string is random or not. I need to split the strings into three

- those that I'm confident are random
- those that I'm unsure about
- those that I'm confident are non-random

Ideally, I'll get some sort of numeric score so I can tweak where the
boundaries fall.

Strings are *mostly* ASCII but may include a few non-ASCII characters.

Note that false positives (detecting a meaningful non-random string as
random) is worse for me than false negatives (miscategorising a random
string as non-random).

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do this? Preferably something
already existing. I have some thoughts and/or questions:

- I think nltk has a "language detection" function, would that be

- If not nltk, are there are suitable language detection libraries?

- Is this the sort of problem that neural networks are good at solving?
Anyone know a really good tutorial for neural networks in Python?

- How about Bayesian filters, e.g. SpamBayes?

A dead simple approach -- look at the pairs in real words and calculate the


Sounds reasonable. Building on this approach, two simple improvements:
- calculate the log-likelihood instead, which also makes use of the frequency of the digraphs in the training set
- Use trigraphs instead of digraphs
- preprocess the string (lowercase), but more sophisticated preprocessing could be an option (i.e. converting under_scores and CamelCase to spaces)

The main reason for the low score of the baby lions is the space character, I think - the word list does not contain that much spaces. Maybe one should feed in some long wikipedia article to calculate the digraph/trigraph probabilities

Apfelkiste:Tests chris$ cat
from __future__ import division
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from math import log
import sys
WORDLIST = "/usr/share/dict/words"

SAMPLE = """\
baby lions at play

def extract_pairs(text):
    for i in range(len(text)-1):
        yield text.lower()[i:i+2]
    # or len(text)-2 and i:i+3

def load_pairs():
    pairs = Counter()
    with open(WORDLIST) as f:
        for line in f:
    # normalize to sum
    total_count = sum([pairs[x] for x in pairs])
    N = total_count+len(pairs)
    dist = defaultdict(lambda:1/N, ((x, (pairs[x]+1)/N) for x in pairs))
    return dist

def get_score(text, dist):
    ll    = 0
    for i, x in enumerate(extract_pairs(text), 1):
        ll += log(dist[x])
    return ll / i

def main():
    pair_dist = load_pairs()
    for text in sys.argv[1:] or SAMPLE:
        score = get_score(text, pair_dist)
        print("%.3g  %s" % (score, text))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Apfelkiste:Tests chris$ python
-8.74  baby lions at play
-7.63  saturday_morning12
-6.38  Fukushima
-5.72  ImpossibleFork
-10.6  xy39mGWbosjY
-12.9  9sjz7s8198ghwt
-12.1  rz4sdko-28dbRW00u
Apfelkiste:Tests chris$ python 'bnsip atl ayba loy'
-9.43  bnsip atl ayba loy
Apfelkiste:Tests chris$

and using trigraphs:

Apfelkiste:Tests chris$ python 'bnsip atl ayba loy'
-12.5  bnsip atl ayba loy
Apfelkiste:Tests chris$ python
-11.5  baby lions at play
-9.88  saturday_morning12
-9.85  Fukushima
-7.68  ImpossibleFork
-13.4  xy39mGWbosjY
-14.2  9sjz7s8198ghwt
-14.2  rz4sdko-28dbRW00u


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