On 12/29/2015 11:24 AM, Daniel Lee wrote:

When I try to run python.exe on my computer with Windows 8,

Which exact version? From what source? How did you download (from where) or compile? How did you install? How do you try to run it?

I get the following error:

"Python.exe - Entry Point Not Found"

"The Procedure entry point ?terminate@@YAXXZ could not be located in the
dynamic link library C:\Program Files\Python3.5\python.exe."

Google return 76000 hits for 'terminate@@YAXXZ', so this appears to not be a unique issue in some form or another.

What does this error mean and how can I fix it?

It seems like your installed python.exe is corrupt. Make sure you have a final release. I would re-install, possibly after re-downloading from python.org. If you download from anywhere else, *they* are responsible for getting the compile options correct.

Terry Jan Reedy


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