Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
> Kevin wrote:
> <cut, can't get as many python web hosters as I want>
> Well, for some strange reason I have never found that to be a problem.

If you develop software for an external customer, and they have
an existing web site run by some ISP that you have no control over,
this might well be a problem.

Even if the customer is in control of their web servers, it might be
difficult to convince them to install and maintain something like
Python on them.

I find it a bit surprising that so many people on comp.lang.python
don't realize what kind of practical complications most commercial
software developers have to struggle with if they don't just follow
the mainstream and use PHP or Java for all web apps.

My ISP (FS Data in Sweden) has Python installed, and always upgraded
it when I asked them (but only then, so I suspect I'm the only user--
and this is one of the biggest ISPs in Sweden).

Even if I have access to Python, they don't allow me to have my own
long running processes, so I'm stuck with CGI, which wouldn't work
very well with a much higher load than my moin has. (Actually, I
didn't really need more, so I haven't asked for mod_python support

Colocation is certainly getting much cheaper, my ISP charges much less
than 95EUR/month.(295 SEK). Still, it would certainly be great if
mod_python, twisted and zope support etc would be as common as mod_perl
or PHP support. We can only get that if we actively ask for it, and if
we really favour vendors that provide this support when we can.

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