On Thursday 14 January 2016 14:29, Rick Johnson wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 9:08:40 PM UTC-6, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> You're talking about a very serious matter between two legal entities
>> - if someone was *fired* because of social, technological, or other
>> problems with Python, that has implications that could matter in a
>> court of law. So I put it right back to you: What gives you the right
>> to speak against Guido and Google?
> I'm not speaking *AGAINST* anyone, i'm merely trying to
> understand what happened. And unless there was some sort of
> explicit contract, Google could fire *ANYONE* for *ANY*
> reason -- this is not France, Chris!

There's no reason to think that Guido was fired. He announced that he was 
leaving Google to go work for Dropbox -- that sounds to me that he was given 
a better offer, or perhaps he no longer cared for the toxic work environment 
which is Google. He wasn't fired, he was poached:


>> And Michael's right: people move around for all sorts of reasons.
>> Doesn't necessarily mean anything about the previous job.
> Of course. But when you leave things open for speculation,
> you enviably create a situation where rumors can start
> circulating.

You're the only one trying to circulate rumours about Guido and Google -- 
and it's old news too, he's been working at Dropbox since Dec 2012:


> We have a *RIGHT* to be worried Chris, because our
> livelihoods are directly dependent on Python.

You will be pleased to know that Dropbox are 100% behind Python 3, and 
spending a lot of time and money on bringing optional static typing to 
Python 2 and 3 in order to simplify the migration.



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