On 1/20/2016 8:26 PM, Travis Griggs wrote:
I wrote a simple set of python3 files for emulating a small set of mongodb 
features on a 32 bit platform. I fired up PyCharm and put together a directory 
that looked like:


My imports are simple. For example, client.py has the following at the top:

     from collection import Collection

Basically, client has a Client class, collection has a Collection class, and 
database has a Database class. Not too tough.

As long as I cd into the minu directory, I can fire up a python3 interpreter 
and do things like:

     >>> from client import Client
     >>> c = Client(pathstring='something’)

And everything just works. I can run the test_files as well, which use the same 
sorts of imports.

I'd like to modularize this, so I can use it another project by just dropping 
the minu directory alongside my application's .py files and just have 
everything work. E.g.


and application.py does something like:

     from minu.client import Client

When I try this though, and am running python3 from another directory, the 
local imports don't work. I placed an empty init.py in the minu directory. That 
made it so I could import minu. But the others broke. I tried using things like

     from .collection import Collection #added the dot

but then I can't run things in the original directory anymore, like I could 
before. What is the simple/right way to do this?

I have looked around a bit with Dr. Google, but none of the examples really 
clarify this well (at least, for me), feel free to point out the one I missed.

Summary: there are two solutions, one of which I think is better.

Imports of python-coded files are done by searching the directories, usually not packages, on sys.path. Python prepends '' to sys.path, standing for the 'directory that contain the startup file'. In the first case, startup is client.py and '' is 'minu', so other modules in minu can be imported directly. In the second case, startup is application.py and '' is SomeDirectory, so other modules in SomeDirectory can be imported. There is only one other module, minu. The modules within minu must be imported via Minu.

What you want to do is make the two situations identical with respect to minu module imports, so the import code will work the same in the two scenarios.

1. Make scenario 2 match scenario 1. In application.py, add sys.path.insert(1,path/to/minu). Then import minu modules directly.

2. Make scenario 1 match scenario 2 in the sense of having the directory containing minu be on sys.path. But be clever. Suppose minu lives in directory Projects. In your 3.x Lib/site-packages directory, add file 'Projects.pth' containing path/to/minu (without quotes!). This makes Projects an extension of site-packages, and inserts minu 'virtually' into site-packages, so indirect imports for any user.

The negative is having to do this for every 3.x version you want to use minu with. But new versions only appear every 18-24 months, and copying the file into a new site-packages is not a big deal.

The positive is that you no longer need to drop minu into SomeDirectory but can import its modules into any application module as if minu were in site-packages, and as it would (should) be if you were to distribute minu to others. That means that the application is always using the latest version of minu without re-dropping. This also means that you can import minu and its module into interactive Python or IDLE's shell, without touching sys.path.

Terry Jan Reedy


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