If you need 32-bit Python on Windows my advice is to install 3.4. If you need 
32-bit and 64-bit Python on Windows, then I think it will only work with 3.4 
(or older), but not with 3.5's new installer.

I have tried installing 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 on several machines both 32- and 64-bit 
Windows. The 32-bit installer either doesn't work at all or won't work with two 
third-party packages I use: APSW and PyWin32. The 64-bit installer does seem to 
work on 64-bit machines, but in my particular case I need both 32- and 64-bit 
versions so use Python 3.4. Hopefully the problem will be fixed before 3.4's 
end of life:-)

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