"Mike Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> http://martinfowler.com/articles/languageWorkbench.html
> Um - I see no mention of "AST" in that article at all. He's mostly
> talking about "Language Oriented Programming" (seems to be another
> term to describe DSLs) and "Language Workbenches".

AST means Abstract Syntax Tree and there are lots of mentions of ASTs and 
'abstract syntax' in the collection of pages.  Moreover, elevating abstract 
representations is the key idea of Fowler's essay.  Near the beginning he 

"This is a good moment to introduce a common distinction that you run into 
in programming language circles - the distinction between abstract and 
concrete syntax. The concrete syntax of a language is its syntax in its 
representation that we see. The XML and custom language files have 
different concrete syntaxes. However both share the same basic structure: 
you have multiple mappings, each with a code, a target class name, and a 
set of fields. This basic structure is the abstract syntax. When most 
developers think about programming language syntax they don't make this 
separation, but it's an important one when you use DSLs. You can think of 
this in two ways. You can either say we have one language with two concrete 
syntaxes, or two languages that share the same abstract syntax."

Roth (following Fowler) talked about taking the first view of seeing the 
abstract syntax as the language with multiple possible concrete syntaxes. 
Fowler later introduces a section with the summary sentence

"One of the strongest qualities of language workbenches is that they alter 
the relationship between editing and compiling the program. Essentially 
they shift from editing text files to editing the abstract representation 
of the program."

Again, this is what John proposed for Python (if defined by its abstract 
syntax (high-level, I presume)).  The multiple-paragraph explanation of the 
above includes

"For the purposes of this discussion we can break the 
[traditional]compilation process into two steps. The first step takes the 
text from the file foo.cs and parses it into an abstract syntax tree (AST). 
The second step walks this tree generating CLR byte codes that it puts into 
an assembly (an exe file)."

His companion article Generating Code for DSLs
expands the sentence above and includes this:

"What's the advantage of separating the two stages? It does cost us a bit 
of complexity - we have to add the AST classes. If we were only reading and 
writing to a single format it's arguable whether the AST is worth the 
effort - at least for this simple case. The real advantage in the AST lies 
when we want to read or write multiple formats."

That is three "AST"s in three sentences, albeit on a different page of his 
multipage essay.  Anyway, back where we were, Fowler continues that in a 
Language Workbench (by contrast to the traditional system)

"The key difference here is that the 'source' is no longer the editable 
textual files. The key source that you manipulate is the abstract 
representation itself. In order to edit it, the language workbench projects 
the abstract representation into some form of editable representation. But 
this editable representation is purely transient - it's only there to help 
the human. The true source is the persistent abstract representation. "

So it seems that John Roth proposes that Python become at least in part a 
'Language Workbench' language. as Fowler defines his new term.  It also 
seems that ASTs or some sort of abstract representation are central to such 
a system.

Terry J.Reedy


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