On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Ganesh Pal <ganesh1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> changed baddr="" to file ="" in the example program , sorry for the typo
> > filename='/tmp2/2.txt'
> >
> > def check_file():

don't use global filename.  just pass filename into check_file
def check_file(filename):

> >     """
> >      Run the command parallel on all the machines , if there is a
> > file named /tmp/file2.txt  extract file2.txt
> >
> >     """
> >     global filename
> >     file = ''
> >     cmd = ("run_al_paral 'ls -al %s'" % (filename))
> >     print(cmd)
> >     stdout, stderr, exitcode = run(cmd)
what is run(...)

> >     print(stdout)
> >     lines = stdout.strip().split('\n')
> >     print(lines)
> >     for line in lines:
> >         if 'exited' in lines:
> >             continue
> >
> >         file = lines[0].split()[9][6:]
> >         break
> >     print file
> >     return file
> >
> > def main():
> >     functions = [check_file]
> >     for func in functions:
> >         try:
> >             func()
> >         except Exception as e:
not a good idea to have catchall exception

> >             return False
> > if __name__ == '__main__':
> >       main()
> >
> --
copy and paste your traceback

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Joel Goldstick
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