On 29/02/2016 07:11, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 6:02 PM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
- if subsequent imports of same module in a session are not effective, why not 
simply flag those attempts as an error, rather than letting them go effect-less.

Because there are legitimate reasons for importing the same module
multiple times. For example, I have a script that imports the sys
module. It also imports the os module, which imports the sys module.
Both the main module of my script and the os module have need of the
sys module, so they both import it. If subsequent imports of the
module raised an exception, this wouldn't be possible.

I think the OP's talking more about the situation of having an active
session (IDLE was mentioned), importing a local module (a .py file
from the current directory), then editing the file and re-importing,
which has no effect. While I am sympathetic to the problem, I don't
believe the language should be changed here; what might be useful is
something that notices that an already-loaded module is now out of
date, but really, the best solution is a change of workflow that no
longer has long-running modules loading live-updated code.

Not in Python (this was pre-Python actually) but I once used such a technique all the time.

The main set of modules would be running a GUI application which also had a command line.

Some commands included editing, compiling [a discrete step] and running modules of the application that were under development. Then you had a very fast edit-run cycle for those modules without having to restart the entire application, and possibly reload the graphical data that was under test (which could be large), or having to do any other set-ups required for the test.

(Another reason in those days was that not all modules would fit into memory at once and a module could be unloaded once it had finished (in Python terms, running off the end of the module) to make room for another.)

What I'm saying is, you shouldn't dismiss something just because you can't think of enough uses for it.



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