Chris Angelico <>:

> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 4:41 PM, Marko Rauhamaa <> wrote:
>> I was talking about JSON for the standard I/O, not the command-line
>> arguments, as in:
>>    ps -ef | awk '/httpd/ { print $2 }'
>> where "ps -ef" emits SPC-separated fields and LF-separated records, and
>> awk parses and processes them.
> If you want to change that, you have to change the entire ecosystem,
> not just the shell. You would have to teach every single program to
> use a different structure.

Correct. There could be translation utilities in the interim.

> A lot of programs already do support NUL-separation - usually with a
> -z parameter or something. But you won't be able to magically get them
> all to use JSON. And I doubt it would be advantageous anyway.

The advantages are obvious. Barely any programs do proper escaping, and
security problems abound.

Maybe a starting point would be a Python Toybox (<URL:>).

Ecosystem intertia aside, key to the success of such an endeavor would
be to find a Python equivalent for

   ps -ef | awk '/httpd/ { print $2 }'

that would be at least as convenient for the fingers and the eye.


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