john wrote:
> I'm trying to access the XML version of my Tivo now playing list with
> python. It uses auth digest HTTP authentication. I could really use
> some help!
> I'm able to get this page using curl:
> curl --dump-header tivoHeaders --insecure --anyauth --user tivo:8000008
> "";
> But
> when I use my python script, I get rejected:
> Error
> 401
> Server: tivo-httpd-1:7.1b-01-2:140
> Set-Cookie: sid=DEC2D78EABF48A6D; path=/; expires="Saturday,
> 16-Feb-2013 00:00:00 GMT";
> WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="TiVo DVR", nonce="FD08EF226909CA85", 
> qop="auth"
> Content-Length: 31
> Content-Type: text/html
> Connection: close
> Digest realm="TiVo DVR", nonce="FD08EF226909CA85", qop="auth"
> I've scrounged for examples out there and the couple that I've found
> just don't seem to work for me..
> Here's one way I've tried:
> =====================================
> import urllib2
> theurl =
> ""
> print

Oh yeah - I didn't spot this before....

theurl =

this includes the parameters - which it shouldn't.




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