Grant Edwards wrote:

> On 2016-03-04, crankypuss <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> Larry Martell wrote:
> [...]
>>> Which I don't love as a solution. Anyone know a cleaner way to get
>>> zipfile to zip the links?
>> I don't even know what "zipfile" is, is that a Windows command?
> It's a module in the Python standard library.  You see, this is a
> Python newsgroup/mailing-list.
> Or you could just google "zipfile".  It's the first flippin' link.
> [I've been trolled, right?]

I don't know about that, but you've certainly shown that what I was told 
about this group being helpful and non-combative is bullshit.

Okay, I've looked into Python, best luck all.

  [Mon Feb 29: "Addresses - What Good Are They?"]


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