On 09/03/2016 00:04, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Wed, 9 Mar 2016 12:49 am, BartC wrote:

Nevertheless, in the real world, you have to deal with corrupt JPGs and
files mislabelled as JPGs. And "crashing" doesn't count as "deal with"

OK, I changed the 'raise' line to 'exit(0)'. Job done!

Possibly a really amateurish, lazy job, but still done.

So now when you can't process a file, you silently exit, giving no
indication that there was a problem or what the problem was. You suppress
the helpful traceback, making sure that it is as difficult as possible for
the user to diagnose the problem. You even exit with an exit code of 0
("success") in order to confuse any scripts they use. Brilliant! I love
helpful tools like that!

How many years did you say you have been programming?

You forget to mention that the name of the input file is hard-coded, making it awkward to use from a script.

That might give you a clue that it's not a serious, polished utility.

It's just a test, primarily as something useful for PyPy to get its teeth into, but it's also the first time I'd ported a sizeable program into Python.

(Which wasn't as painful as I'd expected. However the next project I have in mind is 20K lines rather than 0.7K. For that I'm looking at some mechanical translation I think. And probably some library to wrap around Python's i/o.)


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