On 10 March 2016 at 18:12,  <subhabangal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Matt, thank you for if...else suggestion, the data of NewTotalTag.txt
> is like a simple list of words with unconventional tags, like,
> w1 tag1
> w2 tag2
> w3 tag3
> ...
> ...
> w3  tag3
> like that.

I suspected so. The way your code currently works, if your input text
contains one of the tags, e.g. 'tag1' you'll get an entry in your
output something like 'tag1/w2'. I assume you don't want that :).

This is because you're using a single list to include all of the tags.
Try something along the lines of:

dict_word={} #empty dictionary
for line in dict_read.splitlines():
    word, tag = line.split(' ')
    dict_word[word] = tag

Notice I'm using splitlines() instead of split() to do the initial
chopping up of your input. split() will split on any whitespace by
default. splitlines should be self-explanatory.

I would split this and the file-open out into a separate function at
this point. Large blobs of sequential code are not particularly easy
on the eyes or the brain -- choose a sensible name, like
load_dictionary. Perhaps something you could call like:

dict_word = load_dictionary("NewTotalTag.txt")

You also aren't closing the file that you open at any point -- once
you've loaded the data from it there's no need to keep the file opened
(look up context managers).

Matt Wheeler

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