Veek. M wrote:

> ------------------------
> Examples of ECMAScipt written by Thomas Lahn
> Thomas is the forums best known critic of everyone else's attempts at
> writing ECMAscript. I was wondering if there is a webspace where we
> could look and wonder at Thomas's scripting skills.
> Steve, Dec 5, 2008
> -----------------------

Obviously you have no reasonable arguments, and not a shred of decency in 
you left, so you think that all is left to you to save what you think is 
your honor is to commit libel, thereby actively sacrificing what little 
honor you had left.

> (i'm not wondering - we don't get along - matter of taste -

It is not a matter of taste.  Your behavior is *objectively* despicable.

> kill-file plz)

I am not making it easy for you to be hypocritical and impudent:

>>> […] but thanks anyhow I shall endeavor to oblige.
>>   Nobility lies in action, not in name.
>>     —Surak



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