On 16.03.2016 13:57, Peter Otten wrote:

I'd put that the other way round: syntactical support for every pattern
would make for a rather unwieldy language. You have to choose carefully, and
this requirement could easily be fulfilled by a function, first in your
personal toolbox, then in a public libary, then in the stdlib.

If you don't like exceptions implement (or find) something like

items = peek(items)
if items.has_more():
    # at least one item
    for item in items:
    # empty

Only if such a function is used a lot or cannot be conceived without severe
shortcumings adding to the syntax should be considered. The (hypothetical)
question you should answer: which current feature would you throw out to
make room for your cool new addition?

I am glad you asked. ;-)

I would re-use the "for-else" for this. Everything I thought I could make use of the "-else" clause, I was disappointed I couldn't.

I find the addition to for-loop as useful as we already have a quite complex try-except-else-finally clause. I don't know why for-loops couldn't benefit from this as well.


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