BartC writes: > Not everything fits into a for-loop you know! Why, take my own > readtoken() function: > > symbol = anything_other_than_skip_sym > > while symbol != skip_sym: > symbol = readnextsymbol() > > Of course, a repeat-until or repeat-while would suit this better (but > I don't know how it fits into Python syntax). So there's a case here > for increasing the number of loop statements not reducing them.
Not sure why nobody seems to respond to this part. Perhaps I just missed it? It's true that while has its uses, or at least I think I've used it in Python once or twice. But there's more fun to be had by turning your data into a stream-like object. stream = iter(' /* this is C! */') # <-- produces a character at a time Now you can ask for the next item that satisfies a condition using a generator expression: next(symbol for symbol in stream if not symbol.isspace()) ---> '/' next(symbol for symbol in stream if not symbol.isspace()) ---> '*' Or collect the remaining items: list(symbol for symbol in stream if not symbol.isspace()) ---> ['t', 'h', 'i', 's', 'i', 's', 'C', '!', '*', '/'] You could also say: for symbol in stream: if symbol.isspace(): continue ... But this particular stream is empty by now. I work with long streams of tokenized and annotated sentences (which for me are streams of tokens) that sometimes come packed in streams of paragraphs packed in streams of texts. I build whatever stream I happen to want by nesting generator functions and generator expressions and some related machinery. (You could build on a character stream or a byte stream that you obtain by opening a file for reading; I tend to read line by line through itertools.groupby, because that's what I do.) These things compose well. --