On 01/04/2016 08:59, Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 31-03-16 om 16:12 schreef Mark Lawrence via Python-list:
On 31/03/2016 14:27, Random832 wrote:
So can we discuss how a unified method to get a set of all valid
subscripts (and/or subscript-value pairs) on an object would be a useful
thing to have without getting bogged down in theoretical claptrap about
the meaning of the mapping contract?

We can discuss anything here until the cows come home, but it's a
complete waste of time if the powers that be over on python-ideas
and/or python-dev don't agree.  This was suggested a day or two back
but seems to have gone completely over people's heads.

Just because you are not interested, doesn't mean it's a complete waste of time.
Discussions like this often enough produce suggestions on how one could handle
these things within python without the need for the powers that be to agree on

If you are not interested just don't contribute. Others can make up their own
mind on whether this is a waste of their time or not.

Who said I'm not interested? It is a simple fact of life in Python world that anything that gets discussed has to go through python-dev, and possibly python-ideas first. You can spend years discussing anything you like here and get 100% agreement, but if the devlopers say no it does not happen.

I believe that this proposal is like trying to change the design of the Morris Minor and a McClaren Mercedes because they're both cars, so you can make them similar.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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