Steven D'Aprano <>:

> I'd rather read:
>     for oppilas in luokka:
>         if oppilas.hylätty():
>             oppilas.ilmoita(oppilas.koetulokset)
> [...]
> Google translate suggests Marko's code means:
>     for pupil in class:
>         if pupil.abandoned():
>             pupil.please(pupil.results)

"Hylätty" in this context means "rejected."

"Ilmoita" means "inform, announce, let know."

> So you're saying that learning to be a fluent speaker of English is a
> pre-requisite of being a programmer?

No more than learning Latin is a prerequisite of being a doctor.

Nowadays software companies and communities are international. You never
know who needs to maintain your code. At work, I need to maintain code
that was created in Japan, with coworkers from all over the world. The
Japanese author had had a hard time with English, and made some
awkward naming choices, but had the common sense to use English-only
names in his code.

I also think log file timestamps should be expressed in UTC.


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