Chris Angelico <>:

> Let's just guess that you want to xor with the byte value 0xAA. We can
> do that fairly simply, using integer operations.
>>>> data = b'$//W?\xc0\x829\xa2\xb9\x13\x8c\xd5{\\'
>>>> bytes(b ^ 0xAA for b in data)
> b'\x8e\x85\x85\xfd\x95j(\x93\x08\x13\xb9&\x7f\xd1\xf6'
> Well, that doesn't look much more intelligible.

This looks clearer:

   >>> code = b'a0\xed\xf0Z\x15]g^\xce3x'
   >>> key = b')U\x81\x9c55*\x08,\xa2WY'
   >>> bytes(c ^ k for c, k in zip(code, key)).decode()
   'Hello world!'


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