
Wondering if someone has this knowledge, and please forgive my maths 
If I want to estimate need results to achieve a goal at the end of a term 
updated weekly with real results how would I structure this?

So as an example to illustrate my thought process(which could be wrong) These 
are Bills results for the first to weeks.

Bills Goal = 60% after 5 weeks.
        wk1     wk2     wk3     wk4     wk5
Bill    54.5%   57.1%                   

So say these are the results that get it to current.

wk1             wk2     
get     opp     get     opp
6       11      4       7

So 6/11 etc

I am thinking to achieve this I then need to estimate an average opportunity 
rate rounded up. (11 + 7)/2 = 9 so if we had a 5 week term

wk3             wk4             wk5     
get     avgopp  get     avgopp  get     avgopp
X       9       X       9       X       9

So doing it manually I would discover Bill needs 6 out of 9 each week, which 
results in:

sumget  28      0.622222222     result
sumopp  45              

But how do I structure this so that the new results when known for week 3 
update and adjust the following estimates?



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