On Tue, 19 Apr 2016 09:44 am, Sayth Renshaw wrote:

> Hi
> Why would it be that my files are not being found in this script?

You are calling the script with:

python jqxml.py samples *.xml

This does not do what you think it does: under Linux shells, the glob *.xml
will be expanded by the shell. Fortunately, in your case, you have no files
in the current directory matching the glob *.xml, so it is not expanded and
the arguments your script receives are:

"python jqxml.py"  # not used

"samples"  # dir

"*.xml"  # mask

You then call:

fileResult = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(mask), files)

which looks for file names which end with a literal string (asterisk, dot,
x, m, l) in that order. You have no files that match that string.

At the shell prompt, enter this:

touch samples/junk\*.xml

and run the script again, and you should see that it now matches one file.

Instead, what you should do is:

(1) Use the glob module:



(2) When calling the script, avoid the shell expanding wildcards by escaping
them or quoting them:

python jqxml.py samples "*.xml"



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