On Tue, 19 Apr 2016 08:43 pm, Jon Ribbens wrote:

> Are you saying that Usenet posts skip the moderation entirely?
> This whole thing seems a bit of a mess. What you really need to be
> doing is changing the Usenet group to be moderated, otherwise you're
> going to end up with two different views supposedly of the same thing
> which in fact may be completely different.

It's worse than that. There are many other places that mirror this group,
such as gmane, Activestate, bytes.com, gossamer-threads.com, and of course
Google Groups. They all have their own moderation and filtering policies,
which may differ from those of the others. Some of them may do only
mirroring, while others (including GG and gmane) may allow posting.

And yet, we manage to muddle on. If the plethora of mirrors with
inconsistent views is the worst that happens to us, I for one will be
amazingly happy.



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