On 2016-04-19 14:54, Random832 wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016, at 13:43, Tim Chase wrote:
> > Well, let's take a look at their native file formats:
> > Inkscape: SVG
> > Libreoffice: compressed XML
> > Firefox: HTML+CSS+JS
> > Musescore: compressed text
> > Dia: compressed XML
> None of those are "text" in the sense being discussed here, which is
> "preferred method of viewing and editing is a text editor".

Well, my preferred method of "viewing" python code is /usr/bin/python

Authoring, editing, and consuming are all distinct actions.  Yes, a
lot of tools can use libpcap to interface with wireshark dumps, but
if your tool doesn't talk pcap, you can dump to plain-text (as Dennis
mentions doing...well, XML) which is the lingua franca of tool

> You could, for example, design a programming language that uses XML
> markup

[shudders at remembering using a DSL "programming language" that was



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