Christopher Reimer <> writes:

> On 4/27/2016 7:33 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
> >      self.__dict__ = {'key', 'value'}
> >
> >      self.key = value
> Which expression is Pythonic?

(Note that assignment is not an expression in Python; assigment is a

> I've seen both used in various examples on the Internet.

I would say the latter is more Pythonic, because it:

* Better conveys the intention (“set the value of the ‘self.key’

* Uses the built-in mechanisms of Python (don't invoke magic attributes,
  instead use the system that makes use of them behind the scenes).

* Expresses that intention more concisely (fewer terms).

* Expresses that intention more clearly (less syntactic noise).

 \        “Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits.” —Mark |
  `\                                       Twain, _Pudd'n'head Wilson_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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