> Your actual problem is drowned in too much source code. Can you restate it 
> in English, optionally with a few small snippets of Python? 
> It is not even clear what the code you provide should accomplish once it's 
> running as desired.
> To give at least one code-related advice: You have a few repetitions of the 
> following structure
> > meetattrs = ('id', 'venue', 'date', 'rail', 'weather', 'trackcondition')
> >     meet = d('meeting')
> >     meetdata = [[meet.eq(i).attr(x)
> >                  for x in meetattrs] for i in range(len(meet))]
> You should move the pieces into a function that works for meetings, clubs, 
> races, and so on. Finally (If I am repeating myself so be it): the occurence 
> of range(len(something)) in your code is a strong indication that you are 
> not using Python the way Guido intended it. Iterate over the `something` 
> directly whenever possible.

Hi Peter

> meetattrs = ('id', 'venue', 'date', 'rail', 'weather', 'trackcondition')

is created to define a list of attr in the XML rather than referencing each 
attr individually I create a list and pass it into 

 >     meetdata = [[meet.eq(i).attr(x)
> >                  for x in meetattrs] for i in range(len(meet))]

This list comprehension reads the XML attr by attr using meet = d('meeting') as 
the call to pyquery to locate the class in the XML and identify the attr's.

I do apologise for the lack of output, I asked a question about parsing that I 
always seem to get wrong over think and then find the solution simpler than I 

The output is 4 tables of the class and selected attributes eg meetattrs = 
('id', 'venue', 'date', 'rail', 'weather', 'trackcondition') from the meeting 
class of the XML.

In order to give flexibility and keep the relational nature they have defined 
in the table I found when exporting the nominations section via pandas to csv 
that i had no way to determine which id belonged to each race that is there was 
no race_id in the nominations to relate back to the race, and also no meeting 
id in the raceid to relate it back to the meeting.

So I wanted to traverse all the classes Meeting, Race and Nomination and insert 
the id of the class into its direct children only and since there were many 
races a meeting and many nomnations a race I need to ensure that it is the 
direct children only.

It was otherwise working as parsed output in code supplied using to push to 
pandas and use its csv write capability.

So I inserted

    for race_el in d('race'):
        race = pq(race_el)
        race_id = race.attr('id')

    for nom_el in race.items('nomination'):
        res.append((pq(nom_el).attr('raceid', race_id)))

which traverses and inserts the race_id into the child nominations. However, my 
boggles is how to pass this to the list comprehension that was working without 
changing the data from XML or creating another intermediate step and variable. 
Just to parse it as it was but with the extra included race_id.



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