On 5/13/2016 1:07 AM, Ben Finney wrote:
Howdy all,

Ever since Python's much-celebrated Grand Unification of classes and
types, I have used those terms interchangeably: every class is a type,
and every type is a class.

That may be an unwise conflation. With the recent rise of optional type
annotation in Python 3, more people are speaking about the important
distinction between a class and a type.

This recent message from GvR, discussing a relevant PEP, advocates
keeping them separate:

    PEP 484 […] tries to make a clear terminological between classes
    (the things you have at runtime) and types (the things that type
    checkers care about).

    There's a big overlap because most classes are also types -- but not
    the other way around! E.g. Any is a type but not a class (you can
    neither inherit from Any nor instantiate it), and the same is true
    for unions and type variables. […]


As a Bear of Little Brain, this leaves me clueless. What is the
distinction Guido alludes to, and how are Python classes not also types?

I suspect that one could produce a class that is not a type, in Guido's meaning, with a metaclass that is not a subclass of the type class. I don't otherwise know what Guido might have meant.

Terry Jan Reedy


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