Sayth Renshaw wrote:

> On Wednesday, 4 May 2016 17:57:32 UTC+10, Sayth Renshaw  wrote:
>> Oops sorry noticed you did in the glob. Sorry squinting at phone.
>> Sayth
> Hi
> this seems to be causing me an error in my thinking as well as the
> program. I am creating a function GetArgs to take a path and file
> extension from the command line.
> However I cannot call it effectively. I will clrify this is my function
> import argparse
> import glob
> import os
> import sqlite3
> def GetArgs(parser):
>     '''parse XML from command line'''
>     parser.add_argument("path", nargs="+")
>     parser.add_argument('-e', '--extension', default='',
>                         help='File extension to filter by.')
>     args = parser.parse_args()
>     files = set()
>     name_pattern = "*" + args.extension
>     for path in args.path:
>         files.update(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, name_pattern)))
>     return files
> Then later in program I am attempting to call it an a for statement.
> filesToProcess = GetArgs()
> for meeting in filesToProcess:
>     meetdata = [meeting.get(attr) for attr in meetattrs]
>     cur.execute("insert into meetings values (" +
>                 ",".join(["%s"] * len(meetattrs)) + ")", meetdata)
> this fails as i would expect, however if I declare a list as the GetArgs()
> argument it fails as well.
> Where my confusion is that I created the function to take arguments from
> the command line, so I don't have that variable to supply until executed.
> Have i overbaked the cake?

The actual arguments are in sys.argv and will be implicitly accessed by the
parser.parse_args() method invocation. The problem is simply that you don't 
create an argparse.ArgumentParser() instance. I suggest that you do that 
inside the GetArgs() function:

def GetArgs(): # no arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # your current code below
    parser.add_argument("path", nargs="+")


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