On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 2:34 AM, Rob Gaddi
<rgaddi@highlandtechnology.invalid> wrote:
>> The solution might actually be to move all your static files
>> elsewhere. Slap 'em up onto github.io or something, and then the
>> browser is free to make all the parallel connections it likes; your
>> embedded device can just serve the stuff that actually varies
>> (presumably the main HTML file). I know that isn't what you asked for,
>> but it's something to consider :)
>> ChrisA
> Oooof.  Not to be rude, Chris, but your "software guy" is showing.
> Grant's got the right of it; if you're shipping a box with an RJ-45 and
> a webpage, and you want the customer to be able to always make it
> work, then it needs to be a self-contained entity.  The belief that your
> external dependancies will always be there is why leftpad was able to
> break everything, and why Google just bricked a bunch of people's
> expensive Revolv Hubs.

I agree, but I also make no apology for suggesting the option of
getting someone else to do some of the work. In this case, it can be
rejected for the exact reason you cite (dependencies are a cost, and
in this case way too high a cost), and that's fine and correct.
Ultimately, if the job gets done, everything else is implementation
detail, with consequences - and I know a lot of people who'll
willingly sacrifice "reliability in the face of an internet connection
outage" in favour of "less than fifteen second response time". Hence
my suggestion, albeit couched in "might be" and "something to
consider". :)


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