I'm looking for a good name for a relatively new project I'll put on pypy.

I've been working on a module to disassemble Python bytecode from many versions 
of Python. (Right now 2.3 .. 3.5 bytecode, largely works.)

Of course, in order to do that you also need routines to unmarshal bytecode. So 
that's in there as well.

In the future, I may could add a marshaler and an assembler to Python bytecode. 
I know, this is kind of perverse.

At any rate the name I've been using is "pyxdis". See 

In the past I've been told by Polish-speaking people that my names are hard to 
pronounce. (If you've ever heard any Polish tongue twisters, you'll know that 
this really hurts.)

Any suggestions for a better name? 


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