Thanks for the valuable input. I will look into it.

In the mean time, until I implement your suggestions, here are some
workarounds for the problems you experienced.

In the "Open Source" dialog, instead of typing the full path of the
script you wish to load, try typing just its name (e.g. ''
instead of 'c:\somepath\')

Until I add a GUI dialog for that purpose, use the console to enable
and disable groups of breakpoints.
type 'bl' to list the breakpoints, and then type for example 'bd 2 5 8'
to disable breakpoints 2, 5, and 8, or any other combination. 'be' is
used to enable breakpoints and 'bc' to clear them. You can use help
<command> to read further on these commands.

BTW, the console allows setting conditional breakpoints, too.

Until I add a GUI command for jumping, you can use the console to jump
to a different line:
type for example 'jump 33' to jump to line 33.
Jumps are constrained to the limits of the current frame of the thread.

As for the letters 'C', 'L', and 'R' you have seen, they represent the
last debugger event for that thread, where:
'C' - means a Call to a function.
'L' - means about to execute this line.
'R' - means, about to return from this function
'E' - means, an exception was raised (use the analyze mode to examine
'*' - means, this thread is not broken yet (it is probably doing some
c++ code...)

you can read about it with 'help list' from the console

Again, thanks for the input,


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