On Monday 23 May 2016 03:25, Random832 wrote:

> Why shouldn't Python do this?
> Imagine some future version of Python:
>>>> x = 2/3
>>>> x
> (2/3)
>>>> type(x)
> <class 'rational'>

You would have a lot of trouble convincing Guido that this was a good idea, 
because that's what ABC used to do, and it was a performance killer, as well as 
being horrible to work with.

Rationals like 2/3 are fine. But the trouble is, by the time you've done a 
handful of calculations, you've probably got something like


and after a few dozen calculations you might have something like:


and it just keeps getting worse and worse.

For bonus points, without converting to floats, can you tell which of of the 
two numbers is bigger by sight?



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