On Monday 23 May 2016 10:36, Jon Ribbens wrote:

> OK, I'm bored of you now. You clearly are not willing to imagine
> a world beyond your own preconceptions. I am not saying that my view
> is right, I'm just saying that yours is not automatically correct.
> If you won't even concede that much then this conversation is pointless.

I borrowed Guido's Time Machine, and wrote the following 

    I suppose some language some day might experiment with swapping the
    operators, so that a/b is integer division and a//b is true division.

*nine hours* before your response above. But perhaps that was explicit enough, 
so if it will satisfy you, I will state for the record that defining the / 
operator to do integer division is not necessarily bad.

But it has been roundly and broadly rejected by the Python community. It was 
tried and rejected. One way or another, your opinion is a minority view.



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