Greetings everyone,

I'm developing small embedded systems.  I can't use Python to program them, I 
have to program the little CPU's in C.  

I want a peripheral I've designed to talk over USB to a Python program on the 
host computer.  The peripheral is spewing data at a reasonably high rate, about 
5,000 16-bit unsigned integers per second.  For now, I'm trying to print these 
numbers as they come in.  Even though I'm working with a fast, up-to-date 
computer, I am finding it difficult for the host computer to keep up with the 
data stream.

The details of my setup: running Python 3.4 on Ubuntu 15.04 x64.  Using 
PySerial to handle UART over USB.  Intel Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz.

At first I had the peripheral transmit the numbers as base-10 encoded strings, 
separated by spaces, just so that I could see that I was receiving the right 
values from the peripheral.  My serial port reads look fine -- until they fall 
behind.  But in this first case, I was using up to six bytes to send a two-byte 
value.  Obviously that's wasteful.  So I rewrote the peripheral to send bundles 
of C uint_16's, with each bundle of three numbers separated by a newline.

Now the challenge is to unpack and display those numbers on the Python side.  I 
know that print statements themselves are probably slowing things down, but I 
still want to see that those numbers are correct.  

So, how can I take the byte sequence <0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 \n> that 
Serial.readline() returns to me, and QUICKLY turn it into three integer values, 
258, 772, and 1286?  Better yet, can I write these bytes directly into an array 
(numpy is an option), since I'm going to have a lot of them?

I never thought I would find a task that's easier for me to imagine doing in C 
than in Python, but at the moment this is one.  Thanks for any suggestions!

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