On 03/06/2016 02:05, Lawrence D’Oliveiro wrote:
On Friday, June 3, 2016 at 8:52:52 AM UTC+12, BartC wrote:
One major objection was that C's 'for' isn't really a for-statement at
all (as it is understood in most other languages that haven't just
copied C's version), but is closer to a 'while' statement.

Apart from having local loop variables that get initialized just once. Not 
something you can fake with a “while” statement.

It's not hard. For:

  for (int A=B; C; D) {BODY}

you just write:

  {int A=B;
   while (C) {

That’s what makes C’s for-statement so versatile.

That's if you're into that. I've only ever use local variables with function-wide scope.

If your concern is with optimising, other languages can just have a rule about the validity of a for-loop index variable when the loop terminates. That's impossible in C because, it being so general purpose, there is no such thing as a for-loop index:

  a=0; b=1;
  for (c=2; d<e; ++f) {...}

which one is the loop index? So it is necessary to stick actual declarations within the loop. Messy.

(Sorry, we're getting away from Python somewhat!)


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