On 28/06/2016 20:55, zackba...@gmail.com wrote:
On Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 1:17:23 PM UTC-6, scott...@gmail.com wrote:
I'm trying to create a package in which the constituent files share some state. 
 Apparently, I don't understand scopes, namespaces, and package semantics as 
well as I thought I did.  Here's the directory structure for a simplified 


vars.py defines a single variable:

     foo = 123

funcs.py defines a function that reads and writes that variable:

     def bar():
         global foo
         foo += 1
         return foo

__init__.py exposes both of those to the caller:

     from vars import foo
     from funcs import bar

Alas, it seems the bar function does not reside in the same global scope as the 
foo variable:

     >>> from example import foo, bar
     >>> foo
     >>> bar()
     Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
       File "example/funcs.py", line 3, in bar
         foo += 1
     NameError: global name 'foo' is not defined

How can I make the example package work like one integrated module even though 
in reality it's split across multiple files?

-- Scott
This problem of references is addressed in:

>From Michael Ray Lovett:
For example, if I do this in module a:

from foo import bar
bar = "oranges"

No code outside of a will see bar as "oranges" because my setting of bar merely affected the name 
"bar" inside module a, it did not "reach into" the foo module object and update its "bar".
Correct me if I'm wrong but is not the above only true if bar has been assigned to and thus references an imutable object? In your example the string "oranges". If bar has been assigned to a mutable object in module foo then every module importing via "from foo import bar" will all import the name bar pointing to the same mutable object. If this mutable obj is changed via bar in one module then every other module importing bar will also see the change.
In module foo:
    bar = ["apples","bananas","grapes"]

In module bar1
    from foo import bar
    bar[0] = "oranges"

In module barx at some later time
    from foo import bar
    print bar    #prints ["oranges","bananas","grapes"]

If my understanding here is correct then this would be a good case for never directly writing to a globle. Use getter()s and setter()s to make it obvious that any use of the setter() will be seen by all future calls to the getter().

Regards all,


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