DFS <nos...@dfs.com> wrote:

> Here's a related program that doesn't require you to tell it what type
> of operation to perform.  Just enter 'num1 operator num2' and hit Enter,
> and it will parse the entry and do the math.
> -----------------------------------------------
> ui=raw_input('Enter calculation to perform: ')
> n1=float(ui.split(' ')[0])
> op=ui.split(' ')[1]
> n2=float(ui.split(' ')[2])
> if op=='+':c=n1+n2
> if op=='-':c=n1-n2
> if op=='*':c=n1*n2
> if op=='/':c=n1/n2
> print(ui+' = '+str(c))
> -----------------------------------------------

More reduced :
u=raw_input('Enter calculation:")
print eval(u)
works and compute :

Perform better and shorter, but less educationnal of course...

Pierre-Alain Dorange               Moof <http://clarus.chez-alice.fr/>

Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0"

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