On 7/1/2016 11:43 PM, Veek. M wrote:
Shweta Dinnimani wrote:


hello, I'm begineer to python programming.. I had installed python
3.5.1 version on my windows 7 system. I was fine earlier and now when
i was trying the programs on string i'm facing the subprocess startup
error. IDLE is not connecting. And python shell is also not opening. I
tried uninstalling and installing the python shell but Im facing the
problem.Please do help me

In my answer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37997715/idles-subprocess-didnt-make-a-connection-either-idle-cant-start-or-personal/38001829#38001829
I list all the possible reasons I know of.

A file of yours with the same name as a stdlib file is at least as common reason as antivirus/firewall software.

You need to post/screen-capture the whole error message/traceback.

If you start IDLE from Command Prompt with 'python -m idlelib', you might get more information.

Terry Jan Reedy


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