On 07/13/2016 01:33 PM, Jahn wrote:
> I would like to learn more how to write python based touch application 
> for embedded system but  I do not know what conditions a touch screen must 
> have so that it 
> will response to touch.
> Does anyone know?

These days GUI toolkits such as GTK+ or Qt provide convenient methods
for interacting with touch displays including touch, dragging, gestures
(pinch to zoom), multi-touch, etc.

In its simplest form GUIs on touch screens are identical to GUIs with a
mouse.  Normal button widgets work great with fingers for example.  Even
slider adjusters work pretty much the same with a finger and with the

More complicated things like pinch to zoom and multi-touch require a bit
more help from the toolkit.

As Deitmar said, you will have to get a lot more specific in your questions.

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