"D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <da...@vex.net> wrote:

>On Sat, 30 Jul 2016 16:14:18 +0100
>BartC <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:
>> > By the way, the last time I replied to you it went to the list but
>> > your address bounced.  Was that a glitch or are you using an
>> > invalid address in a mailing list?
>> Do you mean my email address? That was valid once but no longer. (If
>> you want to send an email replace "bc" with "bcas".)
>Are you kidding me?  It's not our job to replace things in your email
>address, it's yours.  Fix your client.
>> I'm not using a mailing list; I'm posting to usenet.
>I don't care if you are using carrier pigeon.  If you send an email
>address, make it a valid one.

I admire those who use a valid email address on Usenet but it is an
open invitation for spammers. I doubt if there is anybody who uses
their primary email address.
>Maybe you should just change it to I_Am_a_Troll@nowhere.

To conform to RFC 2606 that should be <I_Am_a_Troll@nowhere.invalid>.

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