I have the following code for controlling access:
#check login credentials...
def cklogin(ipaddy, user, authcoded):
        print "Opening file:", user
        f = file(user,'r+') #load in the user from the file
        cusr = pickle.load(f)
        print "User Authcode:", cusr.authcode
        print "Supplied:", authcoded
        print "Login:", cusr.login
        if cusr.authcode == authcoded:
            print "User", user, "successfully logged in."
            cusr.invalid_logins = 0
            cusr.ip = ipaddy
            pickle.dump(cusr, f) # save the new status...
            del cusr
            return mkcookie(ipaddy)
            print "Invalid login attempt."
            del cusr
    except IOError:
        print "User does not exist!"
        return FALSE
it reads a file saved this way:
import pickle

class chatuser: #container for storing user information...
    login = ""
    authcode = ""
    cookie = ""
    ip = ""
    loggedin = 0
    invalid_logins = 0
    allow_login = 1
    status = ""
    realname = ""
    phone = ""
    email = ""

derek = chatuser
derek.login = "username"
derek.authcode = "password"
derek.cookie = "123456"
derek.ip = ""
derek.loggedin = 0
derek.invalid_logins = 0
derek.allow_login = 1
derek.status = "here"
derek.realname = "Derek W."
derek.phone = "480-XXX-XXXX"
derek.email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
f = file(derek.login, 'w')
pickle.dump(derek, f)
When I try to read it via the interpreter, it works like this...
>>> import pickle
>>> f = file("spiderx", 'r')
>>> c = pickle.load(f)
>>> c
<class __main__.chatuser at 0x00F1B600>
>>> c.login
>>> c.authcode
With the code above, the login and authcode fields are blank... so, I
don't understand why it doesn't work. Is there anything wrong with my


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