GvR has said “we’re all consenting adults here”. He was referring to the 
“public/private/protected” access-control business that most object-oriented 
languages require you to go through. But there is another area where I think 
this principle applies to Python, at least in part: low-level access to 
arbitrary memory.

For the most part, Python tries to avoid you having to deal with this. One 
important exception is the wonderful and useful ctypes module 
<https://docs.python.org/3/library/ctypes.html>, which by its very nature, 
requires you to worry about such things. But what’s so nice about ctypes is 
that you can wrap up such concerns in a Pythonic, high-level layer that others 
can easily use without knowing that such machinations are going on behind the 
scenes. However, precisely because of the lack of access control, the 
abstraction is leaky, so users can penetrate it if they feel they have a need 
to, and are prepared to face the consequences--so WACAH very much applies here.

When creating ctypes wrappers for libraries, one often comes across a call to 
the effect of “create object referencing given data”. That is, the caller 
supplies (and manages) the block of memory holding the data. For example, the 
Cairo graphics library has cairo_image_surface_create_for_data 
 which treats the supplied block of memory as an array of pixels. Cairo also 
thoughtfully provides additional mechanisms to coordinate between its accesses, 
and those of the caller, to that block of memory.

For the most part, Python doesn’t make it easy to allocate an object and get 
access to its internal memory representation. One interesting exception is 
array.array objects <https://docs.python.org/3/library/array.html>, which have 
the buffer_info() method, directly returning both the address and length of the 
underlying memory block. The documentation for buffer_info() says:

    When using array objects from code written in C or C++ (the only way to
    effectively make use of this information), it makes more sense to use the
    buffer interface supported by array objects.

Ah, I wish... I had a look at the documentation for the buffer interface and 
memory views, and found no way to make use of them from pure Python. Basically, 
the paragraph I quoted above is wrong in just about every important detail.

So, for now, if I want to use Python-allocated memory with lower-level APIs via 
ctypes, the array module remains the way to go.

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