Chris Angelico <>:

> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 5:55 PM, Marko Rauhamaa <> wrote:
>> My favorite asynchronous development model is the "callback hell," where
>> each cell of the state/event matrix is represented by a method (or at
>> least a switch case in C) and each state has an explicit name in the
>> source code. The resulting code is still hard to read and hard to get
>> right, but that complexity is unavoidable because reality just is that
>> complex.
> Wow. Are you for real, or are you trolling us? You actually *enjoy*
> callback hell?
> Give me yield-based asyncio any day.

To me, the key is that the code should closely mirror the classic FSM




It *would* be possible to write asyncio code the same way where you
would represent states as asyncs and express state transitions as:

    await self.ESTABLISHING()

Alas, that would lead to unlimited async recursion, which, I'm pretty
sure, would overflow Python's execution stack.


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