Hi all

I couldn't find Twisted-specific group, so posting here.

Recently Twisted 16.4.0 got released. Yesterday I've tried to upgrade it for my 
apps and got an error.

I've created simple example, which demonstrates it.
File service.tac:
# You can run this .tac file directly with:
#    twistd -ny service.tac

import os
from twisted.application import service, internet

import mymodule

application = service.Application("Demo application")

File mymodule.py:
def myfunction(asd):
    """ Stub function """

If you try to run it with twistd -y service.tac you'll get an error:
>>> Failed to load application: No module named mymodule

The errors comes down to this: twistd script does not add current working 
directory to python path, so it fails to import any packages/modules from it. 
It works just fine on previous version (Twisted 16.3.2).

The strange thing here is that it was working before just fine, and I did not 
find anything related to this in release notes 
(http://labs.twistedmatrix.com/2016/08/twisted-1640-released.html), except that 
twistd now is a Setuptools console script (which I honestly don't know how can 
affect python path).

Any ideas?

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