On Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 2:36:31 PM UTC+12, I wrote:
> Solution: set up a table of rules ...

Here <https://github.com/ldo/render-useful/blob/master/ext-files> is another 
example. The problem is to list all external file dependencies of a Blender 
document, to ensure that they exist etc. Currently, as far as I know, these 
external files might be fonts, images, libraries (additional Blender documents 
containing linked assets) and sounds. The processing for all of these is very 
similar. But within some categories, there are special cases for items which 
need to be ignored. So my loop starts like this:

    for \
        category, match, mismatch, extra \
    in \
            ("fonts", {}, (("filepath" , "<builtin>"),), ()),
            ("images", {"type" : "IMAGE"}, (), ("filepath_raw",)),
            ("libraries", {}, (), ()),
            ("sounds", {}, (), ()),
        ) \

where “match” is a dictionary where each key is an attribute name, and the 
value is the corresponding value that the attribute must have, while “mismatch” 
is a tuple of (key, value) 2-tuples, where each “key” is an attribute name, and 
“value” is a value that attribute must *not* have. The table is designed so 
that I can easily add new categories, and new criteria for each category, as I 
discover them in future.

So, within the above category loop, I loop over all items in the Blender 
document within that category that match the specified criteria:

    for item in getattr(bpy.data, category) :
        if (
                item.packed_file == None
                not any(getattr(item, k) == v for k, v in mismatch)
                all(getattr(item, k) == match[k] for k in match)
        ) :

That additional “item.packed_file == None” check indicates that the object is 
not stored in the .blend file, but resides in an external file. That, at least, 
is a common characteristic of all object categories (so far...).

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